Program Overview  

CDFA’s Community Facilities Energy Assessment Program provides grant funding to reduce the cost of energy-related studies for New Hampshire municipalities and nonprofit organizations. Funded studies and assessments will identify and support implementation projects that reduce future operating and maintenance costs and improve building comfort and health, allowing organizations and communities to better support their core missions. CDFA will work with qualifying applicants to confirm their eligibility for this program and for other funding sources to support their ultimate implementation projects.

This program is part of CDFA’s Clean Energy Fund, which provides low-interest loans along with energy technical assistance and project funding guidance to NH businesses, non-profits and municipalities for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Funding for this program is provided by a USDA Community Facilities Technical Assistance and Training grant. CDFA Awardees will be encouraged to apply to the USDA Community Facilities Direct Loan & Grant Program for support to implement their improvements.

Program Objectives

    1. Provide access for New Hampshire nonprofits and municipalities to reduced-cost studies that support implementation of energy efficiency and renewable energy installations that:
      a. Reduce operating and maintenance costs
      b. Reduce energy use and related environmental and health impacts
      c. Provide non-energy benefits,including building durability, occupant comfort and safety, and workplace productivity;
    2. Provide technical assistance to prospective applicants as well as to contractors and partners at any stage of project design;
    3. Coordinate with contractors, utilities and other partners to identify projects that might benefit from a broader assessment of energy opportunities; and
    4. Inform applicants about financial and technical resources from CDFA and other entities,and specifically USDA’s Community Facilities Direct Loan & Grant Program. The program intends to serve at least 10 different eligible NH communities.


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