Grant Administration: Section 8.2 Pre-Bidding Requirements
The first step in effective management of CDBG-funded construction projects is the preparation of a bid package. This requires the writing of the technical bid specification – usually by an architect or engineer on the basis of prepared plans or working drawings. These specifications must provide a clear and accurate description of technical requirements for materials and products and/or services to be provided in the contract. Please refer to Chapter 7: Procurement for more guidance on bidding.During this phase, the engineer/architect should be preparing construction documents, and, for infrastructure projects, the grantee should secure the approval/permits of applicable state agencies. While the engineer/architect prepares the technical specifications, the grant administrator must assess the applicability of Labor Standards and obtain the necessary wage determinations, including the Wage Determination Lock-In Notice (see Section 8.3 of this chapter). If the project is subject to labor standards, the bidding package must contain information about required wage rates and labor standards for the project (see Section 8.4 of this chapter).
NOTE: The environmental review must be completed and, if applicable, release of funds obtained prior to publishing the bid advertisement. Please refer to Chapter 5: Environmental Review for more information.