Grant Administration: Section 8.1 Grant Administrator Responsibilities
The grant administrator is responsible for obtaining wage determinations (also called “wage decisions”), verifying contractor and subcontractor eligibility, conducting pre-bid and pre-construction conferences, verifying all federal contract provisions are in contracts, obtaining all required documentation, reviewing weekly Certified Payroll Reports, conducting site visits for employee interviews, monitoring project compliance, and maintaining appropriate files. Once a construction project becomes subject to federal Labor Standards Provisions (see Section 8.3 of this chapter), the steps outlined in this chapter must be taken to ensure compliance. The grantee should designate a specific staff person, usually the grant administrator, to serve as the Labor Standards Officer who will be responsible for ensuring compliance with Labor Standards Provisions. (This chapter refers to the Labor Standards Officer but these duties may be completed by other local staff of the grantee, sub-recipient, or a consultant.)Even if the project is not subject to federal Labor Standards provisions, there are Equal Employment Opportunity provisions that must be imposed for such construction contracts – typically smaller housing projects of less than eight units.