Grant Administration: Section 7.8 Pre-Bidding Requirements
The first step in effective management of CDBG-funded construction projects is the preparation of a bid package. This requires the writing of the technical bid specification – usually by an architect or engineer on the basis of prepared plans or working drawings. These specifications must provide a clear and accurate description of technical requirements for materials and products and/or services to be provided in the contract. The contract must be consistent with applicable building codes. Additionally, the plans and specifications for non-residential construction must be stamped by an architect or engineer registered in New Hampshire. While the engineer/architect prepares the technical specifications, the Grant Administrator must determine the applicability of Labor Standards and request the necessary wage decisions.NOTE: The environmental review must be completed prior to publishing the bid advertisement.
Please refer to Chapter 5: Environmental Review for more information.
Property Acquisition Issues
At this stage of the process, the grantee must have obtained all lands, rights-of-way, and easements necessary for carrying out the project. All property to be acquired for any activity, funded in whole or in part with CDBG funds, is subject to the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisitions Policies for Federal and Federally Assisted Programs (42 U.S. Code Chapter 61), also referred to as the Uniform Act or URA. Included in the definition of property, among other things, are rights-of-way and easements. If the construction project involves real property acquisition, the grantee should contact its CDFA Program Manager very early and make sure the acquisition is done according to the provisions of the Uniform Act. See Chapter 9: Acquisition for additional information.