Grant Administration: Section 7.10 Contract Development
All work and services to be accomplished for the completion of a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funded project must be covered by a legally enforceable, fully executed contract, regardless of the source of funds to be used for payment of the contract amount.Before any contract may be fully executed, it is the Grantee’s responsibility to ensure that the contract complies with applicable federal and state laws, provides complete and full provision of the project scope, and avoids any real or implied Conflict of Interest concerns.
Contracts paid with State and Small Cities CDBG funds must utilize a Firm, Fixed-Price Contract. A Firm, Fixed-Price Contract requires that the contractor deliver the product or service for the agreed-upon price. This type of contract is required for:
- Professional services, including Grant Administration, Labor Standards, and Environmental Review,
- Engineering or Architectural services,
- Legal fees, rate consultant, or any other type of professional services required, and
- Construction of the project activities.
Costs Plus Percentage of Cost contracts are specifically prohibited by CDBG regulations for any type of work or services to be performed on CDBG funded projects. 2 CFR 200.323(d)