How to Apply
All applications must be completed and submitted on CDFA’S Grants Management System ( More information on how to use the Grants Management System can be found on the CDFA Resource Hub.
The application requires applicants to detail their specific project, describe the extent to which it aligns with the guidelines and priorities and provide other pertinent information that will help CDFA determine the applicant organization’s capacity to complete a successful project.
An outline of CDFA’s Community Economic Development Capacity Building Program application can be found in Appendix A of the full application and program guide.
CDFA’s Technical Assistance to Applicants
CDFA staff offers applicants technical assistance, guidance on program objectives, and instruction on how to successfully complete an application. Technical assistance is provided through workshops, one-on-one support, and pre-application meetings. To set up a one-to-one conversation with a CDFA staff member, click HERE.
Grant Writing Support
CDFA will provide qualifying applicants with financial resources to help prepare their applications. Please discuss your need during your pre-application meeting or see this page to learn more.
Fiscally Sponsored Projects
Please review the guidance on CDFA’s Resource Hub if you are planning to apply with a fiscal sponsor. Please reach out to us directly if you have questions or concerns about how to apply as a fiscally sponsored project.
CDFA staff will not review draft proposals. However, the team will be happy to direct you to outside consultants and resources that may be helpful in crafting a successful application.