
CDFA’s Community Economic Development Capacity Building tax credit funds are allocated to specific projects that are of public benefit, for a public purpose, and build capacity in accordance with the Program Guidance and RSA. CDFA’s founding legislation and foundational guidance for the Tax Credit Program can be found in New Hampshire RSA 162-L. The following benchmarks will be used to evaluate applications.

Public Benefit and Public Purpose

  • Consistence with program
  • Does this project support needs of and benefit a priority population and/or priority community? Is the work being led by a member of a priority population or community?
  • Does the proposal involve collaboration and/or building of partnerships?
  • Does the project increase community engagement? Does it support the leadership of priority population and/or engage priority populations?
  • Does the project include new ideas or new leadership and/or bring about change? Is it innovative?
  • Realistic and documentable project


  • Does this project have a high financial need?
  • Is there evidence that the organization has the capacity to be successful with this project?
  • Have they considered their future funding needs for this work?
  • Is there evidence of (or capacity for) community partnerships and collaboration? Will this project help to build long-term community capacity?
  • Does the organization have the capacity to sell tax credits?

Those applications that demonstrate high public benefit/public purpose/community engagement and low or moderate readiness to carry out the project are most likely to receive a funding award as demonstrated in this matrix, used by evaluators.

A project is considered on its own merits and as it compares to the other applicants in the funding round.

The review process begins with CDFA’s internal review team determining whether the application meets the eligibility requirements. Reviewers then complete a desk review of the application and a call to evaluate the proposed project.

Applications are then assessed by the Investment Review Committee, composed of CDFA staff and Board members that have no conflicts of interest with the applicants. The Investment Review Committee recommends funding awards to CDFA’s full Board of Directors who determine final awarding decisions.

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