Grant Administration: Tax Credit Award
The Implementation section of CDFA’s website will provide our awardees with critical information to ensure every organization will have the tools to use tax credits for the successful implementation of projects.- Timeline – the Timeline for organizations which have received tax credits for State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2022 is as follows. The SFY 2023 timeline will follow the same pattern.
Next Steps…
- Award Letter – An award letter will be sent which will indicate the gross dollar amount of the tax credit award, the fiscal year(s) the award has been allocated to and the deadline for submission of pledges and receipt of funds for those pledges. It will also inform projects of which CDFA program director to reach out to regarding any project questions.
- Tax Credit 101 – All Tax Credit awardees are required to attend this workshop. It is encouraged that organizations send employees that will be responsible for raising tax credits. The goal of this workshop is to provide the tools every organization needs to successfully identify and attract business donors.
- Contract – The contract will be the first step in the implementation of your project. This is a legal agreement between your organization and CDFA. Review the document carefully. Key provisions include your fundraising deadlines, funds disbursement conditions, security and