Program Administration

Grant Disbursement
Small Business Energy Audit Fund awardees must submit a claim on CDFA’s Grants Management System (GMS) in order for grant funds to be disbursed. Once a claim is submitted with all required information and documentation, funds will be disbursed within 2 weeks.

Required Documentation for Disbursement Claims

  • Completed Energy Audit report
  • Energy auditor invoice noting 75% grant amount and 25% customer co-pay.
  • Evidence that 25% co-pay has been paid (can be noted on invoice above).
  • Signed claim form

Post-Award Grantee Requirements
One year following the completion of the energy audit, grantees are required to report on what recommended measures from the audit were completed (if any) and an estimate of the energy savings from those measures.

Program Contact
Prospective Clean Energy Fund applicants are encouraged to consult with CDFA staff before submitting a formal application. For more information, please contact Scott Maslansky, CDFA Director of Clean Energy Finance, at 603-226-2170, or email

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