Grantee Requirements
As a recipient of USDA funds for this program, CDFA is required to collect, maintain, and provide data on race, gender, and any other information necessary to determine compliance with civil rights laws. CDFA is required to collect the data, but program applicants are under no obligation to disclose it.A form link is available in the application.
Reporting Requirements
One year following the completion of the study supported by this grant, grantees are required to report on what (if any) ultimate project(s) was completed and an estimate of any associated energy and energy cost savings.
Eligible Consultants
Entities receiving funding are expected to utilize professional consultants with expertise in the field of their assessment. Requests for two or more quotes for the study to be completed are highly recommended (though not required). Consultants selected to complete an assessment/study as part of this grant program are not eligible to contract on the ultimate implementation project. Grant applicants should consult with USDA Community Facilities Direct Loan & Grant program staff to review whether their proposed study will meet the guidelines of that program.